Materi Kuliah

Oleh: RITA RAHMAWATI, Dra., MSi WHAT IS ORGANIZATION THEORY? ORGANIZATION THEORY IN ACTION • Every organization, every managers in every organization, is involved in organization theory, often with excellent results • Organization theory draws lessons from these organizations and makes those lesson available to students and managers of organizations • Organization theory can be very practical. It helps people understand, diagnose and respond to emerging organizational needs and problems • Organization theory is not collection of facts; it is a way of thinking about organizations • Organization theory is a way to see and analyze organization more accurately an deeply than one otherwise could • The way to see and think about organizations is based upon patterns and regularities in organizational design and behavior WHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION? • Organization are hard to see • We see outcroppings, such as a tall building or friendly employee • The whole organization is vague and abstract KEBERADAAN ORGANISASI BAGI MANUSIA • Manusia adalah mahluk sosial yang cenderung untuk hidup bermasyarakat serta mengatur dan mengorganisasi kegiatannya dalam mencapai sautu tujuan tetapi karena keterbatasan kemampuan menyebabkan mereka tidak mampu mewujudkan tujuan tanpa adanya kerjasama. Hal tersebut yang mendasari manusia untuk hidup dalam berorganisasi • Manusia mempunyai ketergantungan pada manusia lainnya • Pada dasarnya manusia tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya secara sendiri. • Hampir sebagian besar tujuannya dicapai melalui orang lain atau apabila yang bersangkutan berhubungan dengan orang lain. • Hal ini disebabkan manusia memiliki keterbatasan KETERBATASAN MANUSIA • Chester I. Barnard (1956) mengatakan sebagai berikut : “At once we note that the limitations of the accomplishment of a purpose are the joint effect of two classes of factors: – the biological faculties or capacities of individual; and – the physical factors of the environment. For example, take the simple case of a stone too large for a man to move. This may be stated as „stone to large for man‟ or as „man too small for stone‟. In the first expression we say that the limitation lies in the physical environment of the man; in the other we state that the limitation lies in the biological powers of the man; but clearly the limitation is in the total situation.” (Chester L, Barnard, The Function of the Executive, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1956, hlm. 23) • Hebert G. Hicks berpendapat bahwa:“Almost everyone is deeply affected by groups. Involvement in some sort of group or organization occupies the mayor portion of the live of many, if not most, persons. Numerous benefits can come from improved relationship between individuals and groups. For example, the success of a business typically depends upon productive behavior of individuals in work groups. Also someone must deal successfully with customers, suppliers, governmental units, and the general public. The same is true of a college classroom which depends upon the successful interaction of the professor and students in their group. And students often join cliques outside class to exchange old test, „obtain‟ new ones, try to outguess the professor, or sometimes even to study together. Further, parents, wives, husbands, sweethearts, friends, and administrators continually interact with the larger college or university.” (Hebert G. Hicks, The Management of Organization: A Systems and Human Resources Approach, Tokyo, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, 2nd, hlm. 156.) PENGERTIAN ORGANISASI • Menurut ERNEST DALE: Organisasi adalah suatu proses perencanaan yang meliputi penyusunan, pengembangan, dan pemeliharaan suatu struktur atau pola hubunngan kerja dari orangorang dalam suatu kerja kelompok. • Menurut CYRIL SOFFER: Organisasi adalah perserikatan orang-orang yang masing-masing diberi peran tertentu dalam suatu system kerja dan pembagian dalam mana pekerjaan itu diperinci menjadi tugas-tugas, dibagikan kemudian digabung lagi dalam beberapa bentuk hasil. • Menurut KAST & ROSENZWEIG: Organisasi adalah sub system teknik, sub system structural, sub system pshikososial dan sub system manajerial dari lingkungan yang lebih luas dimana ada kumpulan orang-orang berorenteasi pada tujuan. • Definisi UMUM: Kelompok orang yang secara bersama-sama ingin mencapai tujuan” CIRI-CIRI ORGANISASI • Lembaga social yang terdiri atas kumpulan orang dengan berbagai pola interaksi yang ditetapkan. • Dikembangkan untuk mencapai tujuan • Secara sadar dikoordinasi dan dengan sengaja disusun • Instrumen social yang mempunyai batasan yang secara relatif dapat diidentifikasi.

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